Waste accumulation is an issue that needs a sustainable solution, particularly in urban areas. Despite various efforts, the issue of waste piling at Waste Management Sites (TPS) remains unoptimized.
Founded in 2019, Jangjo is a startup that provides an integrated waste management solution, aiming to transform waste into valuable items. The company created the JOWI Integrated System technology, which promotes a circular economy by transforming waste into valuable products. Jangjo employs a decentralized system for waste management, preventing the process from centralizing at a single point. Waste will be weighed, sorted, and processed into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), or BSF maggot feed.
Joe Hansen, CEO of Jangjo, explained, “We process plastic waste into RDF for cement factories or SRF that can be turned into wooden boards.” By implementing this system, Jangjo guarantees the removal of all residue, thereby preventing the build-up of waste that could potentially lead to disease.
Additionally, Jangjo has introduced “Jang to Material” as one of the steps to combat plastic waste. This step aims to change plastic waste into useful materials. On one occasion, Oscar Darmawan visited the Jangjo waste management site and witnessed the results, namely decking from plastic waste.
Oscar stated, “Plastic waste is the biggest problem in Indonesia and is the most widely used. This is Jangjo’s solution so that there will be no more mountains of garbage in Indonesia.”
Joe added, “This technology is safer because we have conducted extensive research and developed it based on the characteristics of waste in Indonesia.” Jangjo uses local labor in developing their technology, only importing certain spare parts.