Assuming that an individual meal of rice is 100 grams, the total food waste collected by DBS Indonesia and Jangjo through the #EatWithoutLeftovers campaign can meet the needs of 655,550 people! Eitss, but that doesn’t mean we eat the leftover food waste.
From this data we can see, it’s time for us to care about the food waste problem. Even though this program capitalize on food waste and turn it into something of a good use, we should also be able to reduce this waste!
Let’s change our wasteful habit and spread the movement of #NoFoodLeftBehind. Moreover, for you who own F&B business, come join the DBS x Jangjo campaign, #EatWithoutLeftovers!
#EatWithoutLeftovers #TowardsZeroFoodWaste #LiveMoreBankLess #DifferentKindofBank #NoMoreJunk
This article was taken from Instagram