Jangjo Receives Seed Funding from Darmawan Capital

Jangjo, a waste management platform with a circular economy concept, has just received a seed investment from Darmawan Capital. Through this funding, Jangjo hopes to upgrade the process of waste management and invite stakeholders to collaborate, both for economic benefit and to have a positive impact on the environment.

Co-founder & CEO Jangjo, Nyoman Kwanhok stated, “The main problem with waste management in Indonesia is because of the unintegrated stakeholders into the ecosystem. Therefore, Jangjo wants to present a technology that can connect stakeholders, so this problem can be solved effectively.”

Stakeholders mentioned here are waste producers (people), waste carriers (operators), temporary waste shelters (hub), and waste coordinators (industry).

Jangjo’s main service is giving a thorough education on sorting and transporting sorted waste for the Jakarta area. Residents who have been educated on waste sorting can use Jangjo services to pick up sorted waste to be recycled by waste coordinators later on.

Jangjo’s Co-Founder & Commissioner, Joe Hansen, currently said Jangjo can distribute 55 kinds of products for recycling, including styrofoam, glassware, and used cooking oil. Residents will also get various prizes for each process of taking this sorted waste, from e-wallet balances to new cooking oil.

Using this investment fund, Jangjo hopes to increase its recycling process by 20 times. Ultimately, able to create a circular economy ecosystem through the Jangjo platform. “Investment that Jangjo got, proves that the waste sector is starting to attract investors, both from an environmental and economic perspective,” said Joe.

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